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The white plastic coated wire hanger, is deisgned to hold and hang plates, tiles and ceramics
on the wall.
Accroche-assiettes blancs
Weisse Tellerspiralen
Alambres cuelgaplato blancos
Molle da pareti per piatti bianchi
Selection of hangers deisgned to hang various sizes of plates, tiles, ceramics, glass, metal & vinyl records.
Adhesive disc hangers, also know as the invisible hanger. Designed to hang plates, ceramics & glass.
Disques Accroche-assiette
Disc - Telleraufhänger
Cuelgaplatos de disco
Dischi per quadri e piatti
Self-adhesive plastic hanger with a hook. Applied to the reverse of the item, designed to hang plates, tiles, card & paper.
Supports adhésifs pour
assiettes et plaques.
Klebende Aufhänger für
Teller und Plaketten.
Colgadores adhesivos para
platos y placas.
Auto-adesivi per piatti e carte
Suitable for items with a diameter between 2.5cm-40cm, 1"-16". Max weight 3kg
Suitable for items with a maximum weight of 620g.
Suitable for items with a diameter or height between
9-46cm, 3.5"- 18"
Suitable for items with a diameter or height between
9-36cm, 3.5"- 14"
The black plastic coated wire hanger, is deisgned to hold and hang plates, tiles and ceramics on the wall.
Accroche-assiettes noir
Schwarz Tellerspiralen
Alambres cuelgaplato negro
Molle da pareti per piatti nero
Suitable for items with a diameter or height between
9-36cm, 3.5"- 14"
The black wire hanger, is designed to hold and hang 7" & 12"
vinyl records on the wall.
Accroche-disque vinyle
Soporte para discos de vinilo
Titolare del disco in vinile
Suitable for vinyl records
7" & 12"
The brass effect wire hanger, is deisgned to hold and hang plates, tiles and ceramics on the wall.
Accroche-assiettes laiton
Messing Tellerspiralen
Alambres cuelgaplato latón
Molle da pareti per piatti ottone
Website by Gemweb@gemolade.co.uk